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kathleen morrill

Hi Dawn,

This article does a good job at explaining what’s at play: chocolate being recessive and smaller gene pools. The full paper can be found here, and explores more than just the relationship between color and health. It has a lot of good information for anyone interested with labradors or caring for labradors!

The roots of this breeding isolation may go both ways: breeding specifically for chocolates, and breeding for *not* chocolate. Some non-chocolate breeders that want to avoid “Dudley” labradors (brown-nosed yellows) will make sure that the recessive chocolate allele is excluded from their gene pool.

Anecdotally, I’ve heard people say “chocolate labs are crazy” (has anyone else heard this?)… with the information we collect in Darwin’s Dogs — behavioral surveys, color and breed (owner-reported), and genetic information — we might be able to test the veracity of that statement.