>UPDATE MY DOG’S PROFILE Sex: Female Owner’s Stated Breed Mix: Survey Status View all Surveys Next Suggest Survey View All Dog description Scruffy is very social with people and loves to say Hi to everyone. Several years ago I took her to a parade, as we made our way down the crowded sidewalk to meet up with friends, Scruffy thought everyone was there to see her. She stopped and greeted almost everyone and she still loves to be the center of attention wherever she goes. 0 LikesLoading... Sex: Male Owner's Stated Breed Mix: Dog description
Confident, goofy, loving, and always wanting to please Tonic is an amazing soul. He easily passed his CGC and Spot on testing in 2016 surprising all of us as he seemed so slow to mature. Tonic is most Happy when with his Human children. He is known at the local dog shows for being an amazing socializing friend for puppies and dogs of all breeds and sizes and has the most patient of temperaments I have ever seen and will lie down even to get a good first impression. Tonic has helped my daughter build confidence and been her constant partner since she was 2yrs old in the Jr handling program. He also made it possible for my son to be a top 10 Jr handler in the nation in 2015 showing that patience, teamwork, dedication, and love can take anyone anywhere! He is one amazing Dog!!! Dog summary Big Boy Tonic is our small human Quirk His tail had to be amputated due to Happy Tail in this last spring. He now wags his whole Butt instead of just his tail Does best When he gives you a hug he wraps his left front foot around you to give ya that extra tight squeeze Fun Story For several years we joked about Tonic being a pansy especially since he is the largest of our 5 fur kids weighing in at 180lbs and standing 37 inches at the shoulder. However he definitely proved us wrong last year when an obviously drug effected man hopped our fence and proceeded to come toward me in the back yard. Upon seeing this man come towards me Tonic placed himself between us. He never stepped more than a foot away from me but did not take his eyes off the intruder. Not only that but his girly bark disappeared and his big boy bark took over. The intruder hopped over our side gate and tried to enter our basement window but then quickly found out that Tonics 3 large siblings were in the home waiting for an introduction. He saved us and so did my other pups that day!!! Please see your dog's personality profile prediction below for your dog. We've highlighted those most well suited for your dog based on the survey answers you've provided. Please note that the graph for these recommendations will change as we gather more data on which to base the recommendations. For now these are quite preliminary. We’ve highlighted those most well suited breed mix for scruffy based on genome kit result. A dog that is brown (liver) produces eumelanin in its coat. Typically eumelanin produces black pigment, however dogs with two copies of the Liver gene, b, will result in all black pigment turning brown. Please see your dog’s personality profiles prediction below for your dog. We’ve highlighted those most well suited foryour dog based on the survey answers you’ve provided. Please note that the graph for these recommendations will change as we gather more data on which to base the recommendations. For now these are quite preliminary.SCRUFFY
Working Dog: Yes
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Date of Birth: 04/15/2013
Shiba Inu
05 / 21 Surveys
Working Dog: No
Spayed/Neutered: No
Date of Birth: 2014-03-31
Great Dane
Based on Scruffy’s genes we predict Scruffy’s Basic Coat Color is:
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DOG's DNA Results