We’ve launched Darwin’s Cats, our new feline community science project!

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Sex: Female
Spayed/Neutered: No
Date of Birth: 2018-09-19

Dog description

She is friendly but very protective hyper active and high energy extremely smart and playful she is such a loving dog and can jump high she is medium sized and looks like a husky but too small to be a husky oh and she is extremely vocal her bark when she wants attention is like a high pitched scream it

Dog summary

A one year old puppy who is extremely lovable and adorable.


Her bark is like a high pitch scream

Does best

She can hurdel over a seven foot wall with no issues and she is a medium sized dog

Fun Story

I have a guinea pig named vageta... I introduced her to him and she instantly tried to play with him I figured that she thought he was a puppy so my friend bought his Pitbull over who also thought my guinea pig was a puppy but she wouldn't allow him to play with him because she became overly possessive of my guinea pig because I think she believed he was her puppy and wouldn't allow the other dog to play with him my guinea pig however didn't understand the other dog since he kinda drooled all over him but vageta loved taura they are very good friends they sleep together some time


Please see your dog's personality profile prediction below for your dog. We've highlighted those most well suited for your dog based on the survey answers you've provided. Please note that the graph for these recommendations will change as we gather more data on which to base the recommendations. For now these are quite preliminary.


*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 3 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: Canine Connoisseurs

Chow Hound

Stranger Shy

*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 3 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: Socialization with Humans

People Person


*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 4 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: The Great Outdoors

Laid Back

Down To Fetch

*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 3 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: Hunting

Toy Ignorer


*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 2 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: The Great Outdoors



*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 3 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: Socialization with Humans


Solo Dog

*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 2 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: The Great Outdoors

Dog Lover

Curious Canine

*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 2 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: Hunting


Velcro Dog

*We don't have enough information yet to display your results, but you're only 2 survey(s) away.

Next recommended survey: Socialization with Humans

Hands Off


Please see your dog’s personality profiles prediction below for your dog. We’ve highlighted those most well suited foryour dog based on the survey answers you’ve provided. Please note that the graph for these recommendations will change as we gather more data on which to base the recommendations. For now these are quite preliminary.











