>UPDATE MY DOG’S PROFILE Sex: Female Owner’s Stated Breed Mix: Survey Status View all Surveys Next Suggest Survey View All Dog description Scruffy is very social with people and loves to say Hi to everyone. Several years ago I took her to a parade, as we made our way down the crowded sidewalk to meet up with friends, Scruffy thought everyone was there to see her. She stopped and greeted almost everyone and she still loves to be the center of attention wherever she goes. WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and wp_usermeta.user_id = 0; /* From [darwinsark.org/dog-profile-page/] in [/na' at line 2] WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY (flags & 8); /* From [darwinsark.org/dog-profile-page/] in [/nas/conten' at line 10] We’ve highlighted those most well suited breed mix for scruffy based on genome kit result. A dog that is brown (liver) produces eumelanin in its coat. Typically eumelanin produces black pigment, however dogs with two copies of the Liver gene, b, will result in all black pigment turning brown. Please see your dog’s personality profiles prediction below for your dog. We’ve highlighted those most well suited foryour dog based on the survey answers you’ve provided. Please note that the graph for these recommendations will change as we gather more data on which to base the recommendations. For now these are quite preliminary. WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND
wp_usermeta.user_id = 0
/* From [darw' at line 14]SCRUFFY
Working Dog: Yes
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Date of Birth: 04/15/2013
Shiba Inu
05 / 21 Surveys
select owner,meta_value,likes from wp_usermeta join dogs on wp_usermeta.meta_value=dogs.group_id
where meta_key='group_id' and dogs.id = and wp_usermeta.user_id = 0; /* From [darwinsark.org/dog-profile-page/] in [/nas/content/live/darwinsark2/wp-content/themes/pivot-child/fc_1.php:642] */
SELECT *,(dom_entry='yes' and eligible=1 and image is not null and image!='0' and image!='.png' and (flags & 8 != 8)
and group_id is not null
and (dom_awarded is null or (CAST(from_unixtime(dom_awarded) AS DATE) >= STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT('01-',MONTH(CURDATE()),'-',YEAR(CURDATE())),'%d-%m-%Y')))
and fake != 1) as dom_eligible,(flags & 8) as 'deceased', TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, CAST(from_unixtime(deceased) AS DATE), CURDATE()) as date_difference,
(select count(1) from dog_likes where dog_id = id) as 'dog_likes',(select count(1) from dog_likes where dog_id = id) as 'likes', owner as 'owner',
(select case when count(1)>0 then 'yes' else 'no' end from dog_likes d2 where d2.dog_id =id and d2.user_id = 0) as'user_liked',
(case when CAST(from_unixtime(dom_awarded) AS DATE) = STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT('01-',MONTH(CURDATE()),'-',YEAR(CURDATE())),'%d-%m-%Y') THEN 'CurrentMonth'
when CAST(from_unixtime(dom_awarded) AS DATE) = STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT('01-',(MONTH(CURDATE())+1),'-',YEAR(CURDATE())),'%d-%m-%Y') THEN 'NextMonth'
else 'NotDOM' end) as 'dom_month'
FROM dogs where id= ORDER BY (flags & 8); /* From [darwinsark.org/dog-profile-page/] in [/nas/content/live/darwinsark2/wp-content/themes/pivot-child/fc_1.php:656] */
Based on Scruffy’s genes we predict Scruffy’s Basic Coat Color is:
Did we get this right?
If we got this wrong, Are any of these a closer match?
DOG's DNA Results
wp_usermeta.meta_value = dogs.group_id
meta_key = 'group_id'
dogs.id =
wp_usermeta.user_id = 0
/* From [darwinsark.org/dog-profile-page/] in [/nas/content/live/darwinsark2/wp-content/themes/pivot-child/fc_1.php:71] */