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Unpacking Positive Reinforcement

Published on May 16, 2017

When you get a new dog you’re instantly inundated with advice from pretty much everywhere……

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What Makes Darwin’s Dogs Special When It Comes to Looking At Behavior?

Published on April 23, 2017

There are many reasons that Darwin’s Dogs is an exciting and unique new project: it…

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Is My Dog Friendly If Sometimes They’re Not?!

Published on December 16, 2016

When clients come to me with a dog with a “behavior problem” oftentimes what they’re…

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What is Behavior?

Published on November 1, 2016

Darwin’s Dogs is all about the relationship between genetics and behavior. But what is “behavior”?…

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Is That Behavior Trained or Genetic?

Published on September 16, 2016

Training a dog is about way more than teaching them to sit on cue or…

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