Our groundbreaking pet research is only possible with the support of dog lovers like you!

Working Together to develop new genomic tools for working dog programs

Darwin's Working Dogs

Working dogs fill countless, critical roles, from ensuring our national security to helping people with disabilities live more independently. While demand for working dogs and service dogs is steadily increasing, the supply of these talented dogs hasn't kept pace, with 50-80% of dogs failing to complete training programs.

Our goal is to find genetic markers for the behavioral traits that make successful military and working dogs. By using new genetic technology, and working closely with dog breeders and trainers, we want to be able to select the right dog for the right job.

From Our Beneficiaries

“A single dog trained to sniff out bombs could save thousands of lives”

-Myra Berloff, Former Director of Massachusetts Office on Disability

“My dream is that every American who needs one of these exceptional dogs has access to one”

-James Rottman, Veterinarian & Desert Storm Veteran

“I didn't anticipate all the emotional benefits... of having a service dog, especially after an enormous trauma”

-Jessica Kenski, Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor


Darwin’s Ark is a non-profit scientific research project seeking answers to common health and behavioral issues. We can't Succeed without your help. Please join us as a valued contributor. Thank you!